Waiting for your career to takeoff? This is how to become an air traffic controller
15 November 2016To become an air traffic controller requires a specific set of skills and attitude, things that can’t necessarily be taught or learned. For every successful controller validated, many thousand wash out during the process. But as you may suspect, for those that have what it takes it’s rewarding in every sense.
Hollywood has long portrayed controllers in a way that fits into a summer blockbuster, but isn’t representative of the truth. Operations rooms, either in control centres or airport towers are nothing like a stock exchange, full of shouting, stress and commotion. They’re far more like libraries, the situation is always under control. Because control is the absolute core of what the job is about. Controllers are calm under pressure and creative problem-solvers able to balance many variables, quickly, in an ever-changing world.
At NATS, we believe our controllers are the best in the world. We train controllers from many countries, where others seek to learn how we manage the most complex, congested airspace on the planet, as well as some of the world’s busiest runways.. And all while never compromising safety. Air travel has long being the safest form of transport, but today it is also an ever more efficient one. Punctuality, fuel burn, noise abatement are all key factors to be considered.
It’s not easy. No-one else can do it like NATS controllers. Now, we’re looking for a new generation to join us, to support us in continuing to advance aviation as we keep the skies safe. If you love the idea of controlling aircraft containing hundreds of people, helping them reach their destinations safely, guiding pilots around weather and into specific slots in the air and on the ground, then why not spend some time finding out if you’re got what it takes. We have many tools to help you find out if controlling is for you. If not, perhaps engineering, analytics or another form of business support may suit you better? NATS is a world class organisation operating from Hampshire to Hong Kong, Belfast to Brunei and more.
Come work with us and help solve a different puzzle every day.
Find out more at nats.aero/careers/.
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