Up to eight vertical and horizontal launch spaceports in the UK are currently proposed. The vehicles launched from each of them will use airspace just as other aircraft already do, and as the custodians of UK airspace, NATS’ role is to integrate them safely and sustainably into our network.
Space weather and air traffic control
14 January 2015In order to minimise the impact of space weather and prepare for its effects, NATS works closely with the Met Office and their ground-breaking new space weather centre.
The role of space in air traffic management
7 August 2014Satellite technology can help integrate Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) in much the same way as manned aircraft, both from a technical and an operational perspective.
To infinity and beyond
23 April 2014When you think of air traffic control, you naturally think of planes, but did you know that NATS is also involved in rocket launches and the safe passing of them – and the aircraft around them – through our skies?