Technology & Innovation

For the current Caelus flights, we are trialling a different use of airspace to ensure it is robust enough to withstand the traffic of today as well as that of the future. This time around, we are incorporating a Temporary Segregated Area (TSA), which means Aberdeen airport can use the airspace safely and flexibly while minimising possible disruption to traditional traffic.  

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Last week, Hong Kong International Airport’s operation successfully became a Three-Runway System (3RS) for the first time. A significant milestone for the Airport City and a sign – if any were needed – that aviation in Asia Pacific is set to grow at pace.

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As part of our contribution towards the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme, we have been working on the next phase of the Increased Flexibility in Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) Validations (IFAV) project.

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Our Research and Development (R&D) department has just hosted a fantastic showcase event bringing together curious minds from across the business to showcase, explore and collaborate on the current R&D projects our teams are undertaking.

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Next week we’re attending the International Airport Summit in Amsterdam. It looks set to be an exciting event and for me that’s especially so given we’ll be talking about something new, something we’re calling Clarity.

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This week saw our third annual Intelligent Approach Customer Summit, with representatives from NAV CANADA and LVNL – as well as from ANSPs in Europe and the Middle East – joining us in our UK head office.

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The use and influence of Artificial Intelligence is growing every day and shaping industries worldwide.  It appears to be able to do so much for us, but is it just the latest technological trend, or a valuable and worthwhile tool?  

Our flagship AI research programme, Project BlueBird, is exploring the practical value of AI in Air Traffic Management (ATM) and its potential to support our future operations.   

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The NATS ATC team has been working closely with London Gatwick to deliver a big milestone in the airport’s infrastructure upgrades, with the activation of the new Echo Romeo Rapid Exit Taxiway (RET). Construction started in 2023 and it officially opened for operations last month, just in time for the busy summer season which kicks in this weekend.

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Over 70 representatives from the aviation industry joined us at Whiteley, for a Mass Diversion Exercise to trial a new tool being developed by EUROCONTROL. Airlines, airports, the CAA and Department for Transport helped us carry out a full-scale trial of an electronic interface, designed to improve the management of aircraft diversions during runway closures and weather events.

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