Huge growth in air travel across Indonesia is driving massive plans to build and relocate a total of 45 airports over the next decade.

The opportunities and challenges this creates are the focus at the 2nd annual South East Asia Airport Expansion Summit being held in Jakarta over the next two days.

A team from NATS is attending the 2 day event and joining key industry players from across the globe to share knowledge on construction, system design, integration and asset management. I will be talking specifically about ‘Intelligent Airport Prospects in South East Asia’ at a guest speaker seminar on the 29th.

Airport expansion has many elements to consider involving the Airport Operators, Airlines and of course passengers. NATS can contribute with engineering and operational solutions matched to provide efficiency, capacity and safety, validated by our own experience.

Changes on this scale are rare and projects in this region will include a new airport in the Philippines, airport development in Japan and Burma plus new 3rd runways for Singapore, Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong and South Korea.

The summit is an important part of bringing together thought leaders for the aerospace industry, in order for everyone involved to address the requirements in innovation, technology and investment that are specific to the region.

All of us from the NATS team are looking forward to meeting industry colleagues at the event and talking first hand about the opportunities Indonesia and the region presents.

If you would like to find out more about our expertise in this area, or meet up at the event, please contact me via my author page.

Image credit: Jakarta skyline by yohanes budiyanto


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