Stansted inspires the next generation
8 February 2024Stansted tower recently hosted a group of local school children from an Essex school, to help inspire the next generation into the world of airspace and aviation. Here, Anyta Davidescu tells us about the visit, and how she’s helping to introduce careers in aviation to young people…
I’ve been involved in several projects and visits to the Stansted unit since I became an Air Traffic Services Assistant here two years ago. Before joining NATS, I worked at Luton Airport whilst studying for university. I completed my degree during the pandemic but finished with no idea of a career path to follow.
While I was studying, I didn’t know much about the aviation industry but knew I loved my job at Luton more than my degree, so I decided to hunt for a job within NATS – where I soon realised there are many career paths available to young people.
Using my experience, I wanted to help influence the younger generation. This passion started at school, where I did the National Citizenship Service which gives young people experiences to boost their confidence and build life skills to reach their potential. I was also lucky enough to receive a Jack Petchey Achievement Award for helping to introduce a mental health day at my secondary school. I wasn’t taught this subject but knew many friends adversely affected by poor mental health. I loved knowing that I’d achieved something that will help others and be in place for years to come.

Outside the Stansted Tower
As part of the Diversity and Inclusion programme at NATS, I was able to arrange for a group of students from a school in Essex to visit the Stansted control tower. At the start of the day, the group had little knowledge or understanding of air traffic control or the types of jobs we do. So we gave them an overview of the business and ATC, before they were shown around the visual control room where they could see the controllers using the equipment. The group also had a chance to go in the simulator where they ‘plugged in’ and talked to pseudo pilots, while managing aircraft movements on the taxiway and runway in the test environment.
Sometimes, young people don’t have exposure to careers they could be interested in or the support to find out more. But by the end of our session, the students were clearly motivated, telling me how they now aspire to be controllers and engineers for NATS! The teachers were impressed too and have reached out to other schools in the surrounding areas to tell them about NATS and the opportunities available at Stansted.
I really hope the day made a big impact on their lives and you never know…maybe one day, they will go on to become a colleague in one of the many exciting roles we have to offer.
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