Paul Beauchamp
Over the next five weeks we’ll be profiling five innovations, with experts from across NATS making the case for why their chosen innovation deserves to be crowned the greatest, but it’s you that will decide the ultimate winner.
Video calls on Skype, Teams and Zoom have become a part of life over the past few months, so while we wait for the day we can all fly again, here are a few air traffic control related backgrounds for your next call – perfect for any avgeek! And if you’re not sure how to […]
Extraordinary new colourised photos tell the story of the birth of Air Traffic Control
25 February 2020We’ve worked with Historic Croydon Airport Trust to select a handful of the best photos that help tell the story of the birth of Air Traffic Control and had them professionally colourised by internationally renowned artist, Marina Amaral.
Being a controller at Christmas
20 December 2019Air traffic controllers might not be in the business of saving lives, but every day they – along with our engineers – help thousands of people safely reach their destinations. And the same is true on Christmas Day, with controllers across the country giving up time with family and friends to help make sure others can get to theirs.
Ten years ago flight BA038 crashed landed short of the runway at Heathrow Airport. What would then ensue would be among the most memorable, pressurised and emotionally charged few minutes of air traffic controller Greg Kemp’s life. This is the first time he’s spoken publically about what happened.
Going with the flow…
12 December 2016Flow regulations are used to reduce or slow down air traffic because of things like bad weather, or not enough room on the ground at the destination airport. It’s a decision that’s never taken lightly, but it is always done with safety in mind.
Patch design competition winners announced
28 October 2016After much deliberation, cogitation and digestion, I’m very pleased to say that we now have the winners for our competition to (almost) be a Heathrow air traffic controller for the day.
These stunning long exposure photographs were taken by one of our air traffic controller in Heathrow Airport tower. They were so good we wanted to share them with you.
Second time lucky for trainee air traffic controller
26 September 2016Jake Longstaff is proof that if you want something hard enough you should never give up.
Still time to be a Heathrow controller for the day
20 September 2016There’s still time to enter our competition to (almost) be a Heathrow controller for a day, but time is running out!